About Peter Praet
2008 - 2009 Applied Kinesiology (Iternational Academy Applied Kinesiology)
1997 - 2002 OSTEOPATHIE, IAO (International Academy of Osteopathy) in Ghent
1990 - 1992 MANUAL THERAPY at the VUB
1993 CYRIAX training in Bruges
1987 - 1989 License motor rehabilitation & physiotherapy, VUB
1985 - 1987 Candidate Physical Education, VUB
Mother tongue: Dutch.
Other : French, English, German
Refresher training
May 22, 2018: Lumbalgia in practice: Zaventem
April 21, 2018: Thoracic outlet syndrome training
April 18, 2018: Presentation Pain education for chronic pain: Eurovolleycentrum Vilvoorde
2018: Lecture: Food and sport: a winning combination, Eurovolleycenter
December 6, 2016: Dizziness, an osteopathic approach
21 & 22 October 2016: Therapeutic touch
March 31, 2016: Pelvic Instability
14 & 28 November 2015: Small pelvis
October 13 & 29 2015: The Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Osteopathic Approach
September 11, 2015: Manual Muscle Testing
April 21, 2015: Manual Therapy of the Fasciae: Head and Neck
January 10, 2015: Antiviral strategies and immune nutrition
December 11 - 13, 2014: Guide Pour la Santé (GPS) and Nutritional Evaluation Questions
May 23, 2007: Manual Therapy of the Fasciae, Head and Neck
June 17, 2006: How optimal communication between patient and therapist can lead to effective treatment and guidance
May 20, 2006: Simplified Kinesiology
April 8, 2006: Lost track; stress, illness, work pressure… Getting everything back on track in a natural way
June 3, 2005: Kinesiology
November 30, 2002: Nutri-epigenomics